The Portfolio Speech Rubric

All objectives are considered for this presentation.

Point Value: 400

(60 Points) Audience Adaptation
Indicative of your ability to analyze and connect to a specific audience.

(60 Points) Integration
Your ability to seamlessly design and integrate images and visual elements to supplement the cognitive and affective consequences of your presentation.

(50 Points) Energy
Your ability to engage your audience through your non-verbal dynamics; movement, specifically during your transitions.

(60 Points) Persuasive Appeal
Your ability to create an ideological turn and/or motivate your audience to a specific call to action using identified appeals.

(50 Points) Structure
Your presentation is set up with an attention-getting step, a declarative thesis and supporting propositions, transitions, backed and cited claims, and a conclusion with a call-to-action that wraps back to your attention-getting step.

(70 Points) Delivery
Your articulation and enunciation, your use of gestures to support your points and emphasis, your control of movement and your bifurcation.

(50 Points) Stretch
The progress you've made since your first attention-please speech.

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