Let's do this...

This came around pretty quickly, though maybe not for you. Congrats to all of you for making it this far.

Typically for this class I have all enrolled deliver a baseline speech to give me an idea of each student's competency in public speaking. Our Argumentation class is still pretty fresh (some might argue a little too fresh), and I have a pretty good idea of what most of you can do, so I'm skipping the baseline assignment. You can thank me Tuesday.

You'd be better served getting to know presentation software. I'm requiring Slides in Google Docs for a number of reasons, all of which I'll cover in class. In the meantime, do what you can to get up to speed on this presentations software.

Read the syllabus to generate your questions. Follow the links above on the bar.

Set up a new blog for this course. Find a tutorial here. I should mention there are some specific instructions in the tutorial that you should follow, so take a look. Once you have the address for your blog (the URL) copy and past it into an email and send it to comm4020@gmail.com. I will then post your blog to the class blogroll. 
