Persuasion Application Rubric - Larsen

Post a public speaking artifact and your analysis of its use of persuasion theory using Larsen's Cultural Images and Myths to your blog by the designated due date on the schedule. The analysis should draw out the use of any of the six myths, including The Wisdom of the Rustic, The Possibility of Success, The Coming of a Messiah, The Presence of Conspiracy, The Value of Challenge, and The Eternal Return.

Points Possible: 50

1. The post identifies a valid artifact of a public speech or presentation and includes an embedded video of its content.
5 Points

2. The post identifies one of Larsen's Cultural Myths used by the speaker to create a cognitive effect or an affective consequence and explains how the myth functions to arrive at either outcome.
15 Points

3. The post discusses which, if any, process premise (needs, emotions, attitudes, consistency) that the speech attempts to construct as a basis of persuasion and provides an analysis of how the premise succeeds or fails to make the speaker's point.
15 Points

4. The post is well-written and free of grammar issues.
5 Points

5. The author has contributed to at least four other peers' posts by commenting, providing feedback and their point of view.
10 Points

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