Matt Blanchard

See Matt's portfolio speech here.

Please comment below on how Matt adapts to his audience.


  1. This really is inspiring. I related to this on many different levels. I've never had a drug addiction, but there was one thing he said that really resonated with me. When he spoke to the audience on a personal level about not liking something about themselves then to change it, really got to me. He said, "when you fail, get up and try again." How many times had I heard this? Probably to many to count! When I had been trying to make a decision to do the DCP or not I told my sister I didn't think I would do it because I was afraid of failing... again. It had taken me years just to get the 63 credits I had. That is when my sister told me that if I did not do the DCP then I had already failed, so it didn't matter. I hadn't failed until I quit trying. Of course, why didn't I see this? Just because you don't get something the first, second, or tenth time does not mean you have failed until you actually quit trying. I really like his definition of addiction, but when he made his personal story of addiction relate-able to everyone on a personal level is the truly important moment of his speech for me. "You are only defeated when you quit! Never quit!"

  2. At the end of his speech Matt adapts to his audience by saying, “ If you are suffering from an addiction, or if you know someone who is suffering from an addiction, and we all know someone suffering from an addiction…” He then goes on to say, “… and for you, if you don’t like your situation, change it.”

    He makes his speech about addiction useful or applicable for almost everyone by including addicts, people who know addicts, and people who don’t like their current situation.
