- Construct an applicable thesis, plan and organize its construct, research existing and new ideas for its support.
- Create Impact with visual still and motion information.
- Grab your audience’s attention.
- Analyze your audience, hopefully whatever the context.
- Identify effective speech through frequent critique and revision, rehearsal and delivery to realize a polished performance.
Write, research, organize and visually supplement two speeches, one a motivational persuade and the other an ideological persuade. Develop appropriate cognitive and/or affective appeals for each presentation. Choose one to present to the class and the other to present to an audience outside of class.
Document the performance of your other persuasive presentation through distribution, collection and assessment of your own speech rubric by summarizing the results and emailing them to me.
These will be your “hip pocket” speeches, presentations you will eventually be able to give spontaneously with or without visual integration.
Point Value: 200
The speaker defines an attention-getting step, states a clear thesis that defines the purpose of the speech and is adapted to the audience, and identifies propositions to support their thesis.
15 Points
Unprepared (0-4) Accomplished (5-09) Competent (10-15)
The speaker integrates their presentation.
15 Points
Unprepared (0-4) Accomplished (5-09) Competent (10-15)
The speaker articulated, used dynamics in tone rate, speed and pitch, and engaged the audience non-verbally through appropriate movement and eye contact.
15 Points
Unprepared (0-4) Accomplished (5-09) Competent (10-15)
The speaker presented either a a motivational or an ideological persuade.
15 Points
Unprepared (0-4) Accomplished (5-09) Competent (10-15)
The speaker developed both cognitive and affective appeals.
10 Points
Unprepared (0-3) Accomplished (3-8) Competent (9-10)
The speaker kept text at a minimum in their presentation.
5 Points
Unprepared (0-1) Accomplished (2-3) Competent (4-5)
The speaker was not upstaged by their integration.
5 Points
Unprepared (0-1) Accomplished (2-3) Competent (4-5)
The speaker kept self-checking (looking at the screen) to a minimum.
5 Points
Unprepared (0-1) Accomplished (2-3) Competent (4-5)
The speaker organized propositions logically or chronologically.
5 Points
Unprepared (0-1) Accomplished (2-3) Competent (4-5)
The speaker transitions summarizing and/or relating information from one point to next.
5 Points
Unprepared (0-1) Accomplished (2-3) Competent (4-5)
The speaker supports claims with stratified research cited within the body of the presentation.
5 Points
Unprepared (0-1) Accomplished (2-3) Competent (4-5)
The speaker documents the performance of their other persuasive presentation through distribution, collection and assessment by summarizing the results or their rubric and emailing them to me.
100 Points
Unprepared (1-69) Accomplished (70-84) Competent (85-100)